Words matter. I'll help you find the right ones.

I loved writing when I was a kid - short stories, poetry, letters and diaries - but I never thought it was something I could actually do for a living. So, the first part of my career was spent doing other things and pursuing other interests, until I rediscovered some of my old school exercise books. And they were FULL of stories, stories that were scattered with gold stars from my teachers. It was that classic lightbulb moment. I had honestly forgotten how much I loved writing. At around the same time, my boss made a point of highlighting my communication skills and suggested I put them to good use. It was as if all those gold stars suddenly aligned...

Fast forward 10 years and I've worked in communications for some of the biggest companies in the world - BP, Amazon, Orange to name a few... More recently, I've worked freelance for clients across a vast range of sectors. I’m a skilled writer with a knack for creating entertaining, informative copy. I’m adept at coming up with ideas and I can also craft well-researched articles on any number of subjects.

My skills include:

  • Writing content for the web and print

  • Speech writing

  • Crafting engaging marketing emails

  • Digital copywriting for a seamless UX

  • Punchy social media copy

  • Persuasive product descriptions

  • Turning important yet dry information into attention grabbing comms

  • Creating wide-reaching communications campaigns that land

  • Editing and proof reading

I've written for FTSE 100 companies, start-ups and everything in between. So if you want a hand finding the words to make your business stand out, you don't have time to create marketing content on top of all the other things you have to do, or you need a second pair of eyes to fine tune an important document, drop me a line on lpinkstone79@gmail.com and we can have a chat.